Food Ingredients
Grain, Oilseeds & Flour Milling
Oil & Fats
Health & Nutrition
Food Safety
Feed Ingredients
Feed Ingredients
Application Bulletin
Technical Bulletin
Oil & Fats
1. Canola and Palm Oil: A Win-Win Situation for Health and Performance
Neoh, S.B. Enriching Foods with Omega-3 and Omega-6 Using Canola Oils, (SeminarJointly organized by Canadian High Commission and Soon Soon Group). Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 27 February 2002
2. Industrial Application of Canola based Shortening and Oils in the Food Manufacturing Industry
Liew W.C. Enriching Foods with Omega-3 and Omega-6 Using Canola Oils (Seminar Jointly organized by Canadian High Commission and Soon Soon Group) Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 27 February 2002
3. Apparent Metabolisable Energy (AME) of Palm Oil, Enzyme Interesterified Palm oil, Chemical Interesterified Palm Oil , Lard and Corn Oil in Broiler Chickens and its relationship to growth rate and feed conversion ratio.
Neoh, S.B. (2005). Confidential data for broiler trials conducted on behalf of Malaysian Palm Oil Promotion Council
4. Composition and Structure of Oil and Fats and its Relationship to Health and Nutrition.
Neoh, S.B. Australian Oilseeds Federation Forum October 2006
5. Position of Fatty Acid in Fats and Oils and Its Implication on Health and Nutrition.
Neoh, S.B. Malaysian Nutritional Society Annual Conference 2007. Crown Plaza Mutiara Hotel, Kuala Lumpur
6. Optimizing Nutrition Quality of Fats for Healthier Food
Neoh, S.B. Malaysian Pakistan Palm Oil Seminar 2007. Karachi, Pakistan
7. The Potential Role of Palm Olein in The Mediterranean Diet
Neoh, S.B. Malaysian Egypt Palm Oil Seminar. 2007 Cairo, Egypt
8. An Overview of The Nutritional Significance of the Sn-2 Position
Neoh, S.B. Palm Oil International Congress (PIPOC) 2007. Kuala Lumpur Conventional Centre
9. Improved Nutritional Frying Fats
Neoh, S.B. Functional Foods 2008: Functional Foods & Edible Oils The Future, Auckland NZ on 13 November 2008
10. Frying with Palm Oil
Neoh, S.B. Current Science and Advances in Oils/ Fats with Special Reference to Palm Oil Forum organized by Singapore Institute of Food Sceince and Technology (SIFST) and Malaysian Palm Oil Council (MPOC). December 2009
11. Marketing Malaysian Palm Fats in Romania
Majzoub, M.R. Palm Oil Trade Seminar (POTS). 17-18 September 2012, Bucharest, Romania
12. MCPD and Glycidols in Vegetable Oils for Infant Formula : Causes and Solutions
Neoh, S.B. Presentation at the Infant Nutrition Council (INC) Scientific & Regulatory Committee (SRC) of Australia and New Zealand, 7 May 2014, Sydney, Australia
13. Naturally Refined Cold Pressed Oils - Safer and Greener Vegetable Oils for the Future
Neoh, S.B. Presentation at Hi Europe & Ni, Amsterdam RAI, The Netherlands, 3rd December 2014
14. Perfect Blend of Palm Olein and Cold Pressed Canola Oil for Health and Versatality.
Neoh, S.B. Presentation at Consider Canola Seminar. The Health Benefit of Canola and Canola Feed, 9th January 2020.
The Inter-continental Hotel, Kuala Lumpur -
15. The Use of High Oleic Soybean Oil to replace Palm Oil as the Frying Medium in the Manufacturing of Instant Noodle
Neoh S. B. USSEC Virtual Event: High Oleic Update Webinar. 24th June 2020
16. Displacing Palm with High Oleic Soybean Oil-Utilizing High Oleic Soybean Oil for Instant Noodles (Ramen).
Neoh S. B. Korean Society of Food Science and Technology International, Symposium: 1st July 2020
17. Pioneering Efforts to Promote the Canola Oil and Canola Meal in the Malaysian/South East Asian Food and Feed Markets.
Neoh S. B. Canola Innovation Day Webinar. 3rd December 2020
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